The Sound Current

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“The sound current never stops, as it is only by means of sound current that the soul stays in the body. When the sound current stops, the soul will go out. The reason for your not hearing the Sound is that your mind is so much engrossed in worldly matters that it does not allow the soul to go in. When the mind goes down it ceases to catch the Sound. The remedy is to bring about the concentration of the mind by means of careful repetition, which will make the mind and the soul still and collected and, therefore, able to catch the sound current. Sometimes people come to me compaining that the sound current is so loud and powerful that they cannot bear it, and that its pitch and intensity should be weakened.

“It is only sound current which takes the soul up to higher regions. Indeed it is the grand trunk road between ourselves and the Kingdom of God. As the concentration increases, the Sound will become more tasteful and sweet. Therefore the first necessity is repetition, without which concentration cannot take place. And unless concentration has become so intense as to enable the soul and mind to cross the stars, the sun, and the moon, the sound current cannot lift the soul.”

(Sawan Singh. “Gems of Soul”. Pp. 173-174. RSSB)

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