The Prophet Gives In SIlence

  “All that the prophet comes to give is not given to the world in words, but all that cannot be given in words is given without words. It is given through the atmosphere; it is given by the presence; it is given by the great affection that gushes forth from his heart; it is given in his kind glance; and it is given in his benediction. Yet most is given in silence that no earthly sense can perceive.” ~ “Religious Gatheka #12, How the Wise Live in the World “, by Hazrat Inayat Khan (unpublished) “Words are but the … Continue reading

“Our thoughts have prepared us for the happiness or unhappiness we experience.”

  Let’s say that again: “Our thoughts have prepared us for the happiness or unhappiness we experience.” Going on: “In point of fact, whatever one makes of oneself, one becomes that. The source of happiness or unhappiness is all in man, himself. When he is unaware of this, he is not able to arrange his life. As he becomes more acquainted with this secret, he gains mastery. The process by which this mastery is attained is the only fulfillment of the purpose of this life.” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan “Independence is achieved by indifference. It does not mean that one … Continue reading

Focus, That’s What We Need

  “The mind of an average person may be pictured as an unruly horse that jumps and kicks and throws anyone that tries to ride it. Masters of the world are those who have mastered themselves, and mastery lies in the control of the mind. If the mind became your obedient servant, the whole world is at your service.” ~ “Githa Series II, Amaliyyat 1, Psychology “, by Hazrat Inayat Khan (unpublished) “He who does not direct his own mind lacks mastery. … If there is any self of which one can say, ‘This is man’, it is the mind. … Continue reading