On Truth, Love, & Laws

  “If we come face to face with truth, it is one and the same. One may look at it from the Christian, from the Buddhist, or from the Hindu point of view, but in reality it is one point of view. One can either be small or large, either be false or true, either not know or know. As long as a person says, ‘When I look at the horizon from the top of the mountain I become dizzy. This immensity of space frightens me,’ he should not look at it. But if it does not make one dizzy … Continue reading

“Self-denial is not renouncing things…”


  “In whatever manner a man humbles himself it can never be enough to express the humility of the limited self before Limitless Perfection. Self-denial is not renouncing of things, it is denying the self; and the first lesson of self-denial is humility.” — Hazrat Inayat Khan (via wahiduddin) There is a story of a dervish who spoke with a young man who was very interested in his words of wisdom. The young man said, ‘If I come to your part of the world, I will come to see you. Will you tell me where you live?’ The dervish replied, … Continue reading

As a child learning to walk…

“As a child learning to walk falls a thousand times before he can stand, and after that falls again and again until at last he can walk, so are we as little children before God.” — Hazrat Inayat Khan (via wahiduddin) “If we take this attitude in life, not considering that if yesterday we failed today we shall fail, and if we always hope that some day we shall walk aright, that hour will come. Imagine if the child thought that as he had fallen so often perhaps he would never walk! That would make a mental impression on his soul, … Continue reading