One Does Not Live Fully Until One Reconnects With The Source Of Life (True Meaning Of Religion)

One of the tricks of life is that we think we are living fully when we are not. Clearly, when we are awake, we are experiencing life differently from when we are asleep. Similarly, when we get in touch with the source of life, God, we experience life completely differently than before. Even getting on the road to God transforms our life. God is within. The more we search and explore within, the further we get along that road, and the more alive we feel. The day of our death is set. We are set to die. What will happen … Continue reading

Feeling Oneness.. Identifying the Cause of All

  “It is when man has lost the idea of separateness and feels himself at one with all creation that his eyes are opened and he sees the cause of all things.” “[A] man who has become estranged from his friend only sees perhaps the superficial cause, and calls his friend unkind; or he may even admit that he himself is at fault, or he may go still deeper and say that owing to a certain planetary influence they cannot be friendly. Yet he has not probed the cause of this cause. … For this reason the religions taught the … Continue reading

What is the meaning of walking upon the water?

  “To become cold from the coldness of the world is weakness, to become broken by the hardness of the world is feebleness, but to live in the world and yet to keep above it is like walking on the water. There are two essential duties for the man of wisdom and love; that is to keep the love in our nature ever increasing and expanding, and to strengthen the will so that the heart may not be easily broken. Balance is ideal in life; one must be fine and yet strong, one must be loving and yet powerful.”   … Continue reading