How Do People Learn Best?

  This seems like one of the most important questions we can ask. We need to learn for everything in life — it greatly affects our life from beginning to end. We also need to learn in order to transcend life. This learning is perhaps of a different nature a bit,… but maybe not. And this learning is certainly the most important thing in our life. So the question is, how do people learn best? How do we learn best? Quite simply, we learn best when we have love for something. When our learning is driven by love, we will … Continue reading

Understanding Time

Sorry, if you’ve dropped in to figure out how to read a clock or something like that, we’re not covering that today. The focus today is on understanding time in a more existential way. What is time, really? In actuality, if before us was infinity, and after us is infinity, time really doesn’t make sense. If we recognize our soul as something that cannot die, time is just an illusion. Time needs a starting and ending point — without one, it simply doesn’t make sense, isn’t real. Now, within this world of ‘life’ and ‘death’, of change, we clearly have … Continue reading