Do the Right Thing

  Do the right thing. It’s a basic note, but if we all just followed this simple directive, what a different life we would lead. The beauty of this is, if we look deeply into ourselves, we almost always know what the right thing is. In fact, if we look deeply enough, one might say that we always know. So much of the time, though, we let our mind get hazy, we let our judgement sit in the back corner of our mind, and we lose our focus on what is important. But with this key thing in mind, “do … Continue reading

What Is Darshan?

On love and darshan: “When you love somebody, you always like to gaze at his face. When you are so pulled by that face, you develop your love, strengthen your love. You help your love to grow; it grows automatically. That is darshan.” “Darshan is the helplessness of a disciple looking at his Master. It’s a state of a lover looking at the beloved. He never calculates—he doesn’t bother what he’s gaining or what he’s losing. He’s so absorbed with the love that he has no time to think. A lover never thinks what he’s gaining or what he’s losing: … Continue reading

What Is Real Prayer?

angel praying

Prayer is a popular feature of many a religion. But it’s a bit humorous that, so much of the time, prayer involves a human talking to God in a human language. Does God not know our needs and desires? Does God need to be talked to? Does anything need to be explained to God? Of course not. This prayer is all just for us. But the road to the Lord is clear — we must learn to live happily in His will; we must learn to live realizing that all is as it should be; and we must learn to … Continue reading