Second Thoughts

The following is a beautiful short story someone recently passed on to me via email. I’m not sure of it’s actual origin. Check it out and share it with others: A young man, a student in one of the universities, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the student’s friend for his kindness to those who waited on his instructions. As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which were supposed to belong to a poor man who was working in a field close by, and who had … Continue reading

We Think We Know, But Do We Remember

We have to remember what we care about in life. We all tend to have periods of our lives, or even just moments of our lives, when we learn profound things, and when we learn what it is we should really care about. Because we have those, and we remember we had them, we often think we really remember them, and even think we live them. However, much of the time, we don’t really remember them as we learned them, and we certainly don’t live them — we just remember them intellectually. So, one of the ongoing challenges is to … Continue reading

Knowledge vs Understanding

  There’s a world of difference between ‘knowledge’ and ‘understanding’. For one, knowledge is essentially just a worldly thing, while understanding is a pathway or steps along a pathway to one’s spiritual source. Often, when one acquires knowledge, the begin to think themself better than others. However, gaining understanding only leads one to greater humility and empathy. Ironically, however, knowledge is much more ‘easily’ gained. All one has to do is fill their head with information and they gain knowledge. Gaining understanding requires a deep effort to look into the root of things, or, actually, in most cases is just … Continue reading