This world is perishable and so are all worldly things…

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“This world is perishable and so are all worldly things. The wise man is he who realizes the transitory and illusory nature of this world and all things pertaining to it, and makes the best use of this body by worshiping the Supreme Being, through Bhajan and Simran. He thus derives benefit from all that the Creator, through His grace, has placed in the body, and takes that priceless jewel, the essence of all–the Surat (the soul) to its real abode.”

Soami Ji Maharaj

More quotes from Soami Ji:

“Satsang comes first. Those who remain in satsang receive many benefits. A stone which remains in water keeps cool although the water does not penetrate it; still it is better than the stones outside the water. Likewise, worldly people come to the satsang and are not affected by it, but this does not matter. Anyway, they are better than the out-and-out worldly people. In course of time they will begin to accept the influence.”

“So long as there is life (so long as you breathe), you should go on with Ghurubhakti. Devotion to Guru is devotion to God. This should be done without asking anything in return. He is all powerful and will bestow on us anything he likes, when he sees fit.”

“Sat Guru is please with humility. If humility is genuine, then one need not worry about the restlessness of the mind or the provisions of the journey. Such a one should firmly take refuge in the Sat Guru and rely on his protection. Then his boat will cross over to the other side.”

“Those whose knot between Jar (Matter) and Chaitanya (Spirit) is still intact, are subject to Kam (Lust, Desire, Sensual Tendencies), Krodh (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh (Attachment), Ahankar (Egotism, Pride, Vanity) and display Sheel (Continence), Kshama (Forbearance), Santosh (Contentment), but it is superficial. Inwardly, they enjoy the passions, whereas those who have untied the knot between matter and spirit do not feel the slightest touch of Kam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Ahankar.”

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