“The deeper your prayers echo in your own consciousness, the more audible they are to God.”

  Some more great quotes by Hazrat Inayat Khan: “The deeper your prayers echo in your own consciousness, the more audible they are to God.” Many people repeat prayers daily, or even several times a day, but without any depth in them. What use is that? Prayer can be powerful, or it can be empty. First, decide what to pray for, and then pray with depth, not with a hole in your spirit. Here’s another quote, & beautiful story, along these lines: “There is a story of a peasant girl who was passing through a farm while going to another … Continue reading

“God alone deserves all love, and the freedom of love is in giving it to God.”

  What a beautiful & true quote: “God alone deserves all love, and the freedom of love is in giving it to God.” By the always eloquent Hazrat Inayat Khan. Here are a few more from him: “The one thing to rely upon is God’s favor. Do not build either on your study or on your meditation, although they both help you. But you are dependent on God, not even on your murshid. Seek Him, trust Him. In Him lies your life’s purpose, and (in) Him is hidden the rest of your soul.” “Whom should one love, how should one … Continue reading

Love (Book of Mirdad)

  From the Book of Mirdad: Love is the Law of god. You live that you may learn to love. You love that you may learn to live. No other lesson is required of Man. And what is it to love but for the lover to absorb forever the beloved so that the twain be one? And whom, or what, is one to love? Is one to choose a certain leaf upon the Tree of Life and pour upon it all one’s heart? What of the branch that bears the leaf? What of the stem that holds the branch? What … Continue reading