What is a Saint?

  Nice, useful quote via Blue Lips: “A saint is a person who practices the keystone human virtue of humility. Humility in the face of wealth and plenty, humility in the face of hatred and violence, humility in the face of strength, humilty in the face of your own genius or lack of it, humility in the face of another’s humility, humility in the face of love and beauty, humility in the face of pain and death. Saints are driven to humbling themselves before all splendor and horror of the world because they perceive there to be something divine in … Continue reading

True Spirituality Rises Above

This is exactly the line for me, not just for today, but for the past several years (and perhaps the coming several years) — spirituality is not having everything perfect around you; it is rising above worldly struggles and difficulties and living a life of love and compassion in the midst of them all: “To become cold from the coldness of the world is weakness, to become broken by the hardness of the world is feebleness, but to live in the world and yet to keep above it is like walking on the water.” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan