The Obvious Secret to Happiness

“Everybody wants to be happy in this world — nobody wants to be miserable. So why not be happy? Why not lead a relaxed and happy life? Why should we be all the time worrying about the past, and worrying about the future, and not living with the present at all? You see, relaxation comes only when you’re happy within. When you are able to obtain that peace within — then wherever you go, you radiate peace.” ~ Hazur Maharaj Charan Singh, Legacy of Love We all want to be happy. And happiness only comes from within. So it is … Continue reading

Only 1 Right & 1 Wrong

So true: “My murshid, Abu Hashim Madani, once said that there is only one virtue and only one sin for a soul on this path: virtue when he is conscious of God and sin when he is not. No explanation can describe the truth of this except the experience of the contemplative, to whom, when he is conscious of God, it is as if a window is open, which is facing heaven, and when he is conscious of the self, the experience is the opposite. For all the tragedy of life is caused by consciousness of the self. All pain … Continue reading

Pain is a Gift

“Pain has a great power; the truth of God is born in pain, sincerity rises out of pain. Metaphysically, the heart is a gate, and the gate is closed when the feeling is hardened, and the gate is open when there is some pain.” ~ “Sangatha I, Tasawwuf”, by Hazrat Inayat Khan (unpublished) “Tagore says: ‘When the string of the violin was being tuned it felt the pain of being stretched, but once it was tuned then it knew why it was stretched’. So it is with the human soul. While the soul goes through pain, torture and trouble it … Continue reading