Only that which is done, not for fame or name, nor for the appreciation or thanks of those for whom it is done, is love’s service

Love lies in service. Only that which is done, not for fame or name, nor for the appreciation or thanks of those for whom it is done, is love’s service. The lover shows kindness and beneficence to the beloved. He does whatever he can for the beloved in the way of help, service, sacrifice, kindness, or rescue, and hides it from the world and even from the beloved. If the beloved does anything for him he exaggerates it, idealizes it, makes it into a mountain from a molehill. He takes poison from the hands of the beloved as sugar, and … Continue reading

Don’t Let It Get In

This world is not full of perfect people. Throughout your life, you will have people not “doing right by you.” You will have people who don’t treat you right. From salespeople at the store you just meet once to the closest people in your life, people will treat you in imperfect and sometimes very challenging ways. While it’s easy in all of these situations to get upset about such situations and such treatment, while it’s easy to start pointing a finger and retaliating or complaining, that doesn’t help us at all. In fact, that just amplifies the wrong done to … Continue reading

The Mental Chain

Another useful story someone passed on to me via email: Most people are like the circus elephant. Have you ever seen a giant elephant in an indoor arena tied to a little wooden stake. That huge creature can pick up two thousand pounds with its trunk, yet it calmly stays tied. Why? When that elephant was just a baby, and not very strong, it was tied by a huge chain to an iron stake that could not be moved. Regardless of how hard it tried, it could not break the chain and run free. After it a while it just … Continue reading