What is Evolution?

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“At every step of evolution, man’s realization of God changes.”

There is a time when toys are treasures. But the child who cries for a toy comes to an age when he gives it away. And at every step in a man’s evolution the values of power and position and wealth change in his eyes. And so as he evolves there arises in him a spirit of renunciation which may be called the Spirit of God. Gradually he recognizes the real value of those fair and lovely qualities of the spirit that change not.

   from  http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/III/III_II_15.htm

Every step in evolution makes life more valuable. The more evolved you are, the more priceless is every moment; it becomes an opportunity for you to do good to others, to serve others, to give love to others, to be gentle to others, to give your sympathy to souls who are longing and hungering for it. Life is miserable when a person is absorbed in himself.

   from  http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VIII/VIII_2_1.htm

In selfishness there is an illusion of profit, but in the end the profit attained by selfishness proves to be worthless. Life is the principal thing to consider, and true life is the inner life, the realization of God, the consciousness of one’s spirit. When the human heart becomes conscious of God it turns into the sea and it spreads; it extends the waves of its love to friend and foe. Spreading further and further it attains perfection.

   from  http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/XIV/XIV_2_15.htm

The one who in the shrine of his heart has seen the vision of God, the one who has the realization of truth, can only smile, for words can never really explain what truth means. The nearest explanation one can give is that truth is realization. At every step of man’s evolution his realization changes, but there is a stage where man arrives at the true realization, a realization which is a firm conviction that no reason or logic can change or alter. Nothing in the world can change it any more, and that conviction is called by the Sufis Iman.

The realization which is attained is that there is nothing to realize any more. The process of this attainment is a sincere research into truth and life, and the understanding of ‘what I am the other is’, together with the contemplation of God, a selfless consciousness, and a continual pursuit after the receiving of the knowledge of God.

   from  http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VIII/VIII_2_7.htm

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