The Rose Within


One more nice story for the weekend: A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully; and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom, but noticed thorns upon the stem, and he thought, “How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?” Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and just before it was ready to bloom… it died. So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The good qualities planted in us at birth grow amid the thorns of our faults. Many … Continue reading

Lion, Rats, Snake, & the Honeycomb

Here’s a short story for you to contemplate on this weekend: Once a man saw in his dream, that a lion was chasing him. The man ran to a tree, climbed on to it and sat on a branch. He looked down and saw that the lion was still there waiting for him. The man then looked to his side where the branch he was sitting on was attached to the tree and saw that two rats were circling around and eating the branch. One rat was black and the other one was white. The branch would fall on the ground very soon. The … Continue reading

The Whole Purpose Of Life

I just wrote on reconnecting with the source of life, and the true meaning of religion. Let’s quickly discuss a very similar topic — the purpose of life. Quite frankly, almost every single one of us is clueless as to the purpose of life. We are so obsessed with worldly issues that we completely block our mind from finding an overarching, real purpose to this brief life we are living, and to the much longer life experiences of a soul trapped in physical and mental bodies. To put it briefly, “The whole purpose of life is to make God a … Continue reading