Worldy Work vs Our Inner Work

It’s so easy to get caught up in the lower issues of our daily work. We spend hours upon hours on it every day (or, at least, every weekday). But there are 2 things to remember in the midst of all this work: 1) this world is not our home, and getting caught up in fixing it or improving it is like staying in a hotel for one night and spending all that time telling members of the staff how to improve the hotel, not sleeping, not resting, not relaxing, getting totally caught up in overstepping our usefulness there; 2) … Continue reading

An important rule of psychology…

“An important rule of psychology is that every motive that takes its root in the mind must be watered and reared until its full development. And if one neglects this duty, one does not only harm the motive, but by this the will power becomes less, and the working of the mind becomes disorderly. Even if the motive be small and unimportant, yet a steady pursuit after its attainment trains the mind, strengthens the will, and keeps the inner mechanism in order. “For instance, when a person tries to unravel a knot, and then he thinks, ‘No use giving time … Continue reading