The Self vs The Self

“Verily, he is victorious who has conquered himself.” Our greatest enemy is ourself. All weakness, all ignorance keeps us from the truth of our being, from all the virtues hidden in us and all perfection hidden in our souls. The first self we realize is the false self. Unless the soul is born again it will not see the kingdom of heaven. The soul is born into the false self; it is blind. In the true self the soul opens its eyes. Unless the false self is fought with, the true self cannot be realized.    from The soul is a … Continue reading

What is Evolution?

“At every step of evolution, man’s realization of God changes.” There is a time when toys are treasures. But the child who cries for a toy comes to an age when he gives it away. And at every step in a man’s evolution the values of power and position and wealth change in his eyes. And so as he evolves there arises in him a spirit of renunciation which may be called the Spirit of God. Gradually he recognizes the real value of those fair and lovely qualities of the spirit that change not.    from Every step in evolution makes … Continue reading